Friday, May 12, 2017

ZOMG! My BFF Just Totes Unfriended Me On Facebook!

Sometimes I wish some people would just fucking grow up.  But on the other hand, dumb shit like this reminds me of when I was young and tried to build up a fantasy world which I only ruled, and I think of a simpler time that I suddenly am sentimental for, like high school.

I friended this girl on Facebook because she had some nasty comments about some Republic or Trump supporter (same thing), and when we began talking to each other she seemed to be a real cool chick.  Had strong opinions, but I thought our views aligned well enough that we were on the same side.  She said she friended me because she had a Korean girlfriend.

She then introduced me to this kinky Facebook page where you could be as perverted as you want.  That was great until the guys in there (there were some girls there too, and many of them were pretty fucking hot, at least according to their profile pictures) started posting memes that veered to close to rape fantasy.  That was the point where I became a lurker and not a poster.

As I had seen more of her status updates (which she does frequently) and her messages to some people, I got the feeling that she was the aggressive, if not tempestuous type.  That's when I kind of knew that if I ever said something that she perceived as "crossing" her, she would unfriend (actually I think the term should be "defriended," but that's for another blog post) me.

And so it happened last night, where she went on a rant about how the Democrats are as bad as the Republicans and in fact are worse because at least Republicans have their shit together or something.  I kind of had the feeling she was a Bernie Sis before this.  Nevertheless, I decided to go into a back-and-forth with her (there was another person in the conversation and he was taking my side).  She said something I said was ignorant, I went, "No, you are," and then when I was waiting for my next Facebook notification, it didn't update.  Oh, yeah, I knew she swung her ax.  I checked both of her profiles and I am no longer a friend.  And I have been thrown off this Facebook page she introduced me to.

It doesn't hurt me to be unfriended.  I've never met her, and I increasingly got the feeling over our relationship (of about six months) that we may not be friends IRL.  And I certainly don't take back what I said about her stupid Both Sides Do It stance.  Like I said, I just harken back to a time in my life where not only I had the time to worry about shit like this, but to also think it was important enough to swiftly take a guy I met on Facebook out of my life, completely and instantly.  I know I have defriended people on Facebook, but I know I didn't feel as though I had to do it because that person violated my moral code or some shit like that.  I think she thinks it was much more important to her.  She probably thinks my offense was all-encompassing, even worthy of execution.

Whatevs, man.  Bitch is probably crazy.

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