Thursday, June 8, 2017

Of Food And Judgement

OK, so two things at work today:

1) I brought in Oreos for snacking for the room.  Two bags.  Our room is at the end of a hallway where four rooms, lined up railroad apartment-style, have been partitioned.  Going into work or coming back from breaks/lunch, I walk past each of the other three rooms and I see a table filled with treats -- bananas, cookies, someone brought in damn chocolate cake.  And then I get to our room and we have fuckin' Ritz crackers that the Project Manager bought the day before.  I have no goddamn clue why no one in our room is fucking buying treats to share.  Are the scorers in my room all cheap?  Are they all assholes?  Could they be cheap assholes?

Went off on a tangent.  Anyway, I had a feeling that I would be the only person bringing in food for the room, and since we were warned that there would be no rations coming for people staying till 7, I wanted to play the hero, dammit.  I brought out the first bag just before lunch.  Those Oreos were virtually gone shortly after lunch.  I laid out the second bag just before afternoon break.  Those Oreos were virtually gone shortly after afternoon break.  Damn parasites.

However, shortly after I laid out the lunch Oreos and went back to my seat, one of the other test scorers stood up to use the bathroom.  The treat table was on her way out.  I have a vantage point to the table, and I could see the Oreos, and therefore I could see who was eating them.  I look often that way today.  I had to, because I'm vain.  Anyway, this woman looks at the Oreos ... and she shakes her damn head.  WTF?  Why are you shaking your head?  Do you not like Oreos?  Do you believe they're not a healthy snack to give to the room?  How about minding your own damn business if you don't like the Oreos, huh?  And by the way, since that bag and the one after it were hoovered up in less than an hour, I say that your anti-Oreo stance is in the vanishing minority, thank you!


2) Still smarting from getting misled about pizza.  My room boss was truthful yesterday, at least, when she said that there would be no treats furnished for free by the company for late-stayers tonight.

However, around lunchtime, I saw my room boss and two of her lieutenants (one of which my immediate supervisor) sneak out of the room en masse, and they had these guilty smirks on their faces.  And shortly thereafter, they came back with food, a huge plate of food.  I think there was hot flesh on there.  You know, maybe like pepperoni or sausage.

I suspect those plates of food where bought by the PM to give to leadership for their help in the project.  It was not for us proletariat, that's for damn sure.  If that is true, you know, that really chaps my hide.  There they sit, promising us worker bees pizza and then not delivering nor saying why not, and then they waltz back into the room with a bunch of starving and poor drones with the free food they once said we'll be having.  Yeah, I understand that any of us can bring treats to the room, and the fact that I'm virtually the only doing so means the room is partly to blame.  Partly.  But that does not mean that they can blindly eat an extra lunch without knowing that it gives the perception that they're hoarding free food all for themselves.  Really, do they not remember or care that they said we'd get pizza?  In that context, getting food right while we're working is incredibly tone-deaf.  I understand leadership getting rewarded in a way we don't.  That's totally fine.  But if you do, do it away from us, for God's sake.  Eat at the end of the day, or even eat a separate room.  But don't lord that shit over us.  It only makes us hungrier and more pissed that you lied to us.


Rants over.

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