Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Can't Do That Again

My sleep pattern has been fucked up since coming back from Hong Kong.  Not only have I had a propensity of falling asleep during the evening, I have (with or without sleeping earlier in the evening) stayed up until 3, 4 in the morning.  I thought that wouldn't hurt me during nights I have slept earlier and just woke up.  But every day, when that alarm goes off, I am groggy, and even though I manage to tough it out during the day, that morning feeling, man ... I have to stop it.

It came to a head yesterday (Monday) morning.  Through my grogginess I got out of the house a bit past 7:30, more than a half-hour after the alarm woke me up.  I usually try and get out ten minutes before then, but a combination of the snooze button and reading this article on Sweden fighting the social problem of inequality, I got out late.  And that cost me: There was inexplicable traffic backing up to the exit I needed to get to work, and Monday was one of those goddamn days where there was a back-up on the street I turn off of to get to the building.  (I swear I hate that fucking tie-up, mostly because there are days when it's not there; I have no idea how it crops up now and again.)  So I got to work at 8:15 instead of 8, which throws off my schedule of getting out of work earlier today (Tuesday).  And if the company tears the lid off of working 40 hours this week, well, that's 15 minutes of work I will never be able to make money on.

So now I'm going to set my alarm clock 15 minutes earlier.  Should have done that from the start.  I also should stay up through the evening and go to bed earlier.  But shoot, I fell asleep a bit past 9, woke up at 2 in the morning, and have been up since.  I'm going to be groggy again today, dammit.

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