Wednesday, July 26, 2017

So, Three Thoughts On The Latest Asshole Republican Attempt To Repeal Obamacare

  1. Regarding John McCain ... he pulled himself out of the hospital in Arizona and flew cross-country to Washington, D.C. ... to cast a vote to move to proceed in passing a bill that no one has not only read, but written.  I have nothing but respect for his valor and service as someone who represented this country in Vietnam.  But in fact I do believe that this vote, where he crawled out of bed after receiving treatment for brain cancer -- which we taxpayers pay for -- so he could vote to take health insurance away from at least 15 and as much as 32 million people, stains him not just as a politician but as a person.  In other words, all that he has down in service to this country has been obliterated by this vote.  No separating the man from the politician here; this is too important to split hairs like this.  He's a virtual traitor for this.
  2. I'm scared about this.  A part of me thinks that this is a done deal.  Every Republican who held out but voted for this Motion To Proceed this time around probably was bought, or at least promised something in a bill that still hasn't been fucking created.  If that's the case, passing whatever this shit bill is just so the Russia Party can say they did something is a foregone conclusion.  Then The Stupid People Among Us will vote for the Russia Party because they did do something, even if it is to take health insurance away from people ... including them.
  3. But, on the other hand, maybe we're not done.  I caught Lawrence O'Donnell's The Last Word, and he said that this Motion To Proceed used to be unanimously decreed.  This used to be a formality, this MTP.  It's the toxic environment in Congress -- led by the Russia Party -- where now everything is a dragged-out fight.  Or an opportunity to look good; I think O'Donnell says that Senate Turtle Mitch McConnell made a spectacle out of this MTP to say that they "won" this battle despite overwhelming obstruction from those pesky Democrats.  While this may make them look great and grease the skids to a midterm victory in 2018 (which, right now, I don't doubt they'll win), the Senate still has to argue this on the floor, and they still have to write the fucking bill.  Then it has to be reconciled with the House bill before a final vote.  Again, maybe this is all over.  But maybe not.

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