Saturday, July 22, 2017

Well, This Is It ...

... and to be honest, nearly all my fears have been assuaged.  I went over to the host this afternoon (after being half an hour late -- I think she forgave me) and she seemed to have everything in order.  We know what the floorplan is; we think we know where the crowd will gather; we have set up the tables where both the free stuff and the food will be; and we have picked out the places where we will have our little speeches and make our annual photo.

Any stray threads regarding tomorrow's event are my fault.  I brought all the stuff we're supposed to give away, but I forgot a bunch of things.  Such as the balloons and the helium tank.  Also, such as the decorations and the CD of school music.  I will bring all of those tomorrow (well, maybe not the helium tank) and hopefully we'll have time to set all of those things up the hour before the party begins.  But I got the impression from her (who says she entertains on occasion) that it's not a big deal if we don't get everything tomorrow.  Thank God.

Like I planned this, I just want to pick people who know how to host these parties; all I want to do is smile, greet and pay for it all.

Now, besides making sure I get there on time, bringing all the stuff to make the event even more perfect and avoiding any blindsides, I have a few promotional items I still need to do, such as e-mail everyone who RSVP'd.  After that, and I just need to have a good time.

Things are almost going too well.  But if I hate it when things go poorly, why don't I allow myself to feel relief whenever things go right, or even when things appear to go right?  I want to do that for this, right now.

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