Sunday, May 20, 2018

Addendum To: Fucking Driver's License Change

So they did in fact charge me.  Well, they would have.  The person I talked to said that without proof, I would have to pay for it.  There are two ways to prove that: Give them the receipt, or come back during the day where the, um, central office could be called and asked to provide a copy, which they may (emphasis, hers, on "may") have one scanned in.

I sure as fuck am not at fault for this.  Therefore, I decided to not pay, go back home, and find the receipt myself.  Because I remember seeing the receipt once and thinking, "Hey, maybe I should keep this."  But I can't find it anywhere -- not on my desk, or nightstand, or pockets, anywhere.  I had a bolt of inspiration thinking I threw it into my day planner, but nope, that bulging piece of paper was my prescription.

Goddamn, I am so pissed at myself right now.  I swear I would not throw such a thing away.  But the more I think about it, maybe I did.  I mean, I think that if I thought I should keep it, I would have found it while tearing through my room yesterday afternoon.  Not seeing makes me think, instead, that I did look at it and think at the time, "Nah, I can throw this away."  That would be so fucking stupid of me, even without the need to change it because of this signature I put down.

There is one other place I could have put this receipt: Storage.  I think I could go after this afternoon's United match to storage and look for it.  But I have dozens of paper bags in there; where would I even start?  Maybe it's a waste of time and I shouldn't even bother.

Anyway, so I came clean to my parents: I refused to pay for the license change.  I plan on going to a license center some time during the day (I'll have to let work know I'll be coming in late) and asking if they can call this office to see if they have a copy of the receipt.  I won't like it if they do have a copy and somehow I did fuck this up.  I'll be plenty angry if, as I fear, they somehow don't have a copy of this receipt.  And I'll be pissed the fuck off if the person I get gives me attitude and says that the office does not have copies of the receipt.  It's not much money getting this license replaced.  But as a guy who's about to be unemployed, every cent counts.  And more importantly, I.  Did.  Not.  Make.  This.  Mistake.  I have my principles, goddammit.

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