Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Am I Doing This Right?

Right now I am in the middle of, in my opinion, a difficult task.  It's hard to describe even if I think I can disclose it, and I don't think I can, at least no completely.  I have to look up a member's health insurance policy to see if the government has the right information -- I'll put it that way.

It's difficult for several reasons.  First, there are so many ways you can gather all the information you need to make a determination, and I know I've forgotten a few times.  Worst of all, once I get (or believe I get) all the information, I find it difficult to make a determination.  Actually doing it is the easy part; knowing what to do is something I still don't have a grasp on, and I feel as though I have been really, really slow.

The person who trained me in on this project is returning from vacation in the morning.  I am afraid that she is expecting that I have done more than I have.  I've really cut down on the screwing around, I swear -- it's just hard to keep track of where I am, and I still am not totally confident enough to think I'm doing this right, so I have a bunch of questions for her this workday.

I still have no idea how long this job lasts.  My boss said that I'm there until Memorial Weekend.  She is on vacation now; that makes me think that I'm sticking around just because these two had vacations coming up, and once they're done with taking time off, there will be no need for me.  A part of me hopes, however, that I can stick around, but that would mean I can show some basic competence in something like this project.  I have no idea if any extension of this temp job hinges on doing a good job with this, but if it does, I'm not sure I've demonstrated enough to them to keep me around.

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