Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The House Is Leaking More Than The Trump Administration

It may just be me, but ever since the weather finally turned warmer, I have heard a lot drip-drip-dripping inside the house.  Whenever someone turns on a faucet anywhere in the house, you can hear sounds coming from inside the walls, and it's everywhere.  The copper pipes in this house are leaking badly.  I fear that if this keeps up, we'll see discolored areas in the ceiling and walls and, eventually, wet spots and puddles in places that shouldn't have them.  Well, no place in the house should have wet spots and puddles, but still.

Father said that at some point he'll have all the copper piping in the house replaced.  That's a great idea.  Want to know how that'll work, for one, and for two, I want to know when that'll happen.  Maybe we should all take a vacation then.