Tuesday, May 15, 2018

And Then Just Like That -- Boom! Dunzo!

Believe it or not, I've actually been very busy at work.  I am neck-deep in this project, and yesterday I learned something new.  It seems that my work is evergreen, since it's based on a report that gets sent to us periodically.  I may be getting faster as I learn the ropes, but it took me the better part of two weeks to get through what I was supposed to get through ... and that was only one small part of the report.  Heck, I couldn't really surf on the Internet yesterday -- that's how busy I was!

That would make me believe that I would be staying on for a little while longer, if not (fingers crossed) permanently.  But I have to face the music.  My boss told me that she can keep me around till the end of the month; I'm guessing that is at least until Memorial Weekend, aka another week-and-a-half, but possibly until June 1, which is but a fortnight away.  I figured that I have stayed this long because the team I am currently working with had their two most senior positions take quick vacations.  My supervisor, the very nice person who has been helping me with this current project, had her vacation the week before last; my boss is coming back from hers today.  And unless there's another person from the team who's going to be gone, or something drastically changes, well, I'm dunzo.

It feels really weird to just not have a job after four-plus months, especially when I feel like I'm in the middle of a bunch of things right now.  The other ladies on the team regularly get overtime.  I'm not saying I'm entitled to OT, but if they're getting it, doesn't that mean that there's enough work that a dude like me can work 40 hours a week full-time?  But again, I've been told otherwise.  And since the end of the month is coming up, and my boss is returning from vacation, I would not be (or at least should not be) surprised at all if I get called to her desk or sent an e-mail saying I am done in the not-too-distant future.

If that comes to fruition, well, it's back to the fucking drawing board for me.  Say, that reminds me that I need to look up the status of the job at the health insurance place I applied for.  Has there been absolutely no movement on that?  Or have they moved on?  It's strange, and a little be disconcerting, that I haven't gotten an answer by now.  Oh, I wish I wish I'm still in the running for that job; I sure as hell need it now.

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