Sunday, October 6, 2019

Hotel Thingies

Moved out from my first hotel, the one I paid for, to the second, the one that I (mostly) used points for.  I was freaking out over getting hotels because I was reading reviews, and almost to a man, every review claimed something sucked about every single hotel I looked at.  Either there were bedbugs, or the toilet wouldn't flush, or there was mold, or the front office people were rude.  Many times it was a combination.  Suffice it to say, I finally had to hold my nose and select the hotel with the most non-negative reviews.

There were scary things mentioned about this first hotel, the one I just moved out of.  But frankly, other than the hallway sort of being under construction and housekeeping missing that the person or people before me left his/her/their Arby's Coke can in the refrigerator, I had no problems with my hotel.  Everything that should have worked did work.  And on the plus side, they served breakfast, the front office was staffed 24/7, it was located not too far from downtown Denver, it was clean, and I felt safe.  I would recommend that hotel to anyone.

And I would recommend this hotel that I'm staying at right now, too, even though I hope I don't have to eat my words.  While there were fewer negative comments about this hotel as opposed to the first, there were way more than positive ones.  But there are two things that most chic about this place.  First, it is owned by a husband-and-wife team who I met when checking in.  They were adorable, plus they decorated the front lobby for Halloween.  Second, I don't know if this was a different hotel in a different life, but it is so distinctive -- old-fashioned red and brown and sepia tones, and there is a clean carpet all the way down the halls.  The room matches the color scheme, too.

The only drawback I see right now is the wall-mounted AC/heater doesn't work.  Don't really need it now; just that it's chilly outside (Denver's been chilly once the sun goes down) and I could use it being a tad warmer.  Also, it's 11 miles further south of the first hotel on 25, so that makes the trip up north (and to the airport Monday) that much longer.  Oh, well; like with the first hotel, those cons are small in number and importance compared to the pros.


One other thing: I like Denver, and I'm very, very sad that it's going to end very soon.

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