Saturday, March 6, 2021

So There Was A Blow-Up At Work Yesterday

It didn't involve me.  At least I don't think so.  It may have had something to do with something I came across at work.  Anyway, the main crux of this is we are consistently reviewed for errors that we did.  My co-worker for the day came across either error or a series or errors sent to her by her boss, who is also my boss.  And she flipped out; the way she, uh, described it in a loud and firm tone of voice, she disagreed with the errors.

She asked my supervisor (who, for the day, was also my supervisor), basically, what the fuck is this.  She vociferously fought against being held responsible for the things my boss said she is responsible for.  And in that conversation, which I caught myself actually watching (if only because they were both in the way of a sheet I had just printed, and that didn't seem to be a time where I could go "excuse me" and grab it off the printer), I saw two things I had never seen before at work.  One, my co-worker being very, very angry.  And two, and I could be wrong about this, but my supervisor's voice cracking ... as if she was about to cry.

Don't know if I have much to say beyond that.

I left early yesterday.  Later, my boss asked if I could fill in for this co-worker Friday.  She may need to decompress ... or, she's re-evaluating the job.  Anyway, I come back tomorrow seeing this company, this job, and the people I work with and for a little differently than before.  And that's not good.

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