Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Past Me Saved Present Me

Went to work without my earbuds.  Totally sucked.  I could say I was so wrapped up with the drama surrounding my flat tire over the weekend that it completely made me forget about taking the buds out of my long coat (which I wore on Friday because I was going to a speakeasy after work and I wanted to look somewhat cool) and put them into my regular coat, but I would have forgotten regardless.  It was a helpless damn feeling.  I could work without them.  In fact, I probably would be more productive without the distraction of listening to something I'm more interested in.  But the day would have been long and boring, and I would hate myself all day for not remembering them.

I was working at The Fourth Department yesterday/Monday, but went out to my desk a few times just in case I left a pair of old earphones there.  I remember once forgetting them, and I vowed I would, at the worst, find a crappy set of phones and keep them at my desk in times like this.  But I couldn't find them.

However ... I went back to my desk one final time.  I still have the box for my Zojirushi coffee mug, one that still works.  I remembered that earlier this year (I think), I put something in that box for safekeeping.  What it was I truly didn't remember, but I was do desperate to find some earbuds that I figured I'd just open it in case a miracle happened.

Well, guess what?  I open up the mug box and I see a smaller box.  I still don't know, or remember, what it was.  I open up the box ... and it's a brand-new pair of headphones.  And then I remembered: The earbuds I usually use no longer work in my left ear.  That prompted me to buy a new pair on Amazon.  And when it was delivered, I decided I was going to stick with my old ones until the left earphone stops working, but to make sure I don't skip a beat, I would keep them at work.  I was going to break them out the moment my old earbuds stop working, but I don't mind breaking them in now because I was forgetful.

I am kind of shocked that I forgot that I bought and stored brand-new buds at work.  And I didn't even have an inkling that I would find earphones to use in that mug box.  I just remembered putting something in that box not too long ago, and I was desperate for earbuds.  My prayer was answered, and just in time to hear The Rude Pundit on Stephanie Miller!

Similar to finding the right solution to a math problem without doing your work correctly, I was happy to use these brand-new buds even under circumstances I did not anticipate.  I'm just happy I did make the decision to bring those brand-new earphones to work back then.  Past me did indeed save present me.

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