Sunday, March 24, 2024

Can A Blizzard Give You PTSD?

I'm staying in all day today.  There's a blizzard today, a bad one, maybe up to ten inches of the wet snow kind.  Starting to come down hard now when I thought it would arrive earlier.  May mess up the time ... well, I have to face it, times I plan on plowing the driveway.

I had that big alumni thing followed by a game-watching event yesterday.  Went to the NCHC Championship Game in St. Paul in the evening.  Those two events I had been organizing for some time, and yet the thing foremost on my mind yesterday was this blizzard.  It's a bad one, this snowstorm, by far the worst of the This Winter That Isn't/Wasn't.  And I fear that will be so bad that it kind of ruined my day yesterday.  At least it occupied so much of my mind yesterday that I often didn't enjoy the moment in front of me.  The volunteering event went great, and the group that watched the Game with me was more than I expected -- and we won.  (Wish the Game were closer.)  But all I could think of was hoping the snowplow works (I haven't had to use it once this season), when I need to plow, if too much of the snow was going to fall overnight so that I won't be able to leave for work in the morning, etc., etc.

My day, my plans and my mind revolved around this one event, this blizzard.  It's like being in a toxic relationship.  And so I got to thinking: Can a weather event like a snowstorm give you PTSD?  To extend it broadly enough, can there be events in life beyond the catastrophic (as in more than a death in the family or a divorce) considered so traumatic that it alters your life and should be considered for some sort of, well, treatment or something?

During the Game yesterday/Saturday, my friend spoke about her daughter getting T-boned a couple weeks ago.  She is now anxious; she's scared about going through intersections for fear some drunk asshole will blow through the stop and run into her.  That's understandable.  I kind of feel that way about my car now.  Even though it hasn't given me trouble since the timing chain was replaced, I'm always scared that the indicator lights are going to come back on.  Hell, I'm still scared that I'll see the overheating light, or the low tire pressure light.  It never goes away, at least not for me.

Now, with a weather even like a blizzard, it's here and (eventually) it's gone.  Winter eventually ends, too.  But it's a season.  Winters come back.  So, in that sense, wouldn't the trauma of needing to deal with snowstorm after snowstorm, even if it only happens one part of the year, still be considered something you can't just "deal with?"  I'm starting to think that isn't totally absurd.

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