Thursday, March 7, 2024

Self-Destructive Much?

I was in a cool part of town to get my face shaved for my gig at the tournament this and next weekend.  I got out of work early, but they couldn't move up my appointment, so I was basically had to dink around the area for 90 minutes.  Went to the back bar at Young Joni, where I had a pizza and two drinks.  Hadn't been there in a long time, and I'm glad I squeezed myself back in there.

After my shave, I didn't want to go home because there was nothing there for me.  Well, I guess I could clean the house, but that ain't no fun.  But I didn't want to drive anywhere else.  I really wanted to go to Oro by Nixta; I have had their tacos at MNUFC Matches and they fantastic.  But it seemed crowded in there.  I could have gone to the 331 bar for another drink, but I was all drinked out.

So instead, I went to Anchor Fish and Chips.  I had their fish and chips once -- take-out during the pandemic.  Ah, good times.  Great food there, and it was great this time around, too.  But I had already eaten a pizza; what made me think I could eat a second meal?  But I tried, this time with the fish in a sandwich.  Unfortunately, the pizza made me too full.  Plus, the fish was huge, and the sandwich was sloppy.  I was able to drink my Coke; everything else I asked for a box (actually a tin) to take home.

And since I had been drinking, I dropped dead asleep at 9:30 and woke up at 2.  Knowing fish doesn't exactly keep as leftovers, and since I'm wide awake now, I'm heating all of this up in my oven.  And I'm washing it all down with some leftover muscato that's been in the fridge for a week.

So I ate -- and paid for -- two meals for dinner last night, and now I am eating leftovers from that second meal three hours before I have to wake up for work.  I think I can answer my own question that I put in the title: Yes, I am self-destructive much.

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