Monday, December 20, 2010

Snapshots From A Holiday Visit From My Sister And Brother-In-Law (III)

They spent a hellish day getting across the pond here.  Their flight from Zurich to Brussels was cancelled; too bad they cancelled it after they were on the plane for three hours.

After they were sent to and fro in the airport, mostly on bad information, they managed to get on a plane that would send them to the States.  Not to New York, as originally scheduled, but to Chicago.  They departed ten hours after they should have, and the flight took ten hours, so they got to O'Hare at 12:30 in the morning, way too late to get here before the new day.  Scrambling to get help from a travel agency or getting online, my sis called me at 2:30 to tell me they were coming in at 8.

Surprised that even though they were leaving Chicago, their flight from there to here went off as scheduled.


Having those two here is changing my behavior in ways I don't like.  I'm needing to "act better" while around them, especially my brother-in-law.  It's sad -- I should just be me, and besides, like I told Mother when she made me use a plate to present leftover turkey instead of the metal we always use, he already married into the family, so there's no need to try to impress him.

But I've taken down the body towel that I use to dry myself off after taking a shower from the shower rod.  I always hang it there because it's convenient after I dry my hands.  But it's gross, and we don't want "outsiders" seeing it, let alone using it.  So I have it in my room right now.

I also, um, haven't been able to take a shit since they arrived.  Nothing comes out, nothing.  I don't even feel constipated; I just don't shit and go about my day without defecating.  I just don't want him to hear my bowel movement.  Sad but true.

In exchange, I have a secret fear that while they're here they'll f ... no, I can't say that ... I'll say ... have sexual relations.  They're married, so I don't want to deny them, particularly my sister, their sexuality.  But they're crashing in her old room, which is right next to mine.  It's funny enough to think of my kid sister as a married woman, but to think they'd, gulp, do it while they're here.  Squicks me the fuck out.

Remember that I saw them get married in Switzerland last year.  I was so fortunate that after I smoked a cigar, I passed out for 90 minutes right around the time I estimated they, um, consummated their wedding.  And I feel so fortunate that I can dupe myself into thinking that I'm right without too much second-guessing.


They're taking the car tomorrow.  Sister says she last drove two months ago.  But in the cold and snow?  As I told her, I need my car, because to me it represents my freedom, and if she totals my car, she totals my freedom.  And, I need it to go to "work" in the afternoon.

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