Sunday, December 26, 2010

I Made Yellow Snow

This happened late night Thursday/early Friday morning, the day I dropped off my family at the airport and the evening I went out with a friend of dinner and the BTAA's -- and the time of our latest snowstorm.

I had to go fill in for my parents the next morning.  The meterologists said we were going to get a coating -- a couple of inches at best.  But it didn't look like a coating when we started dinner, nor when I was done for the evening.  That night they said a band of snow "filled in" over the metro area -- whatever the fuck that means.

What was supposed to be a coating turned out to be half a foot.  And with the amount of snowfall and the number of blizzards we've had so far this season, I think I hit a wall.

After getting home I knew I had to get a jump on the shoveling.  I was going to be in no mood to shovel in the morning, let alone six inches.  And I couldn't just clear my driveway; because the city instructs its plowers to clear main roads of snow as much as possible, after snowstorms the end of the driveway dams up with snow, which will harden into much-harder-to-shovel boulders and ice come morning.  So I had to clear a good chunk of my street to mitigate that.

I shoveled twice that evening/morning.  By the second time, I was getting a little pissy.  Literally.  I was sick and tired that the weatherpeople got the forecast wrong.  I was angry that I had to dig my way out of the remnants of another blizzard.  Meanwhile, I finally felt free now that my parents and, in particular, my sister and brother-in-law weren't in the house.  I mean, I love that they're visiting, but like I said before, it's been an adjustment, and tonight made me feel good about things going back to normal.  I could be my perverted self again.

Of course, I couldn't truly feel that because I had some fucking shoveling to do.  And it was still coming down, and I didn't know whether I could push out of my driveway when I had to work in the morn.  So with all of that, I remembered, of all things, the last time I peed in the snow.  And by God, on this night, under these weather conditions, with all the shit I'm going through, that seemed like the right thing to do!

It was, I think, past bar close -- maybe even 3 o'clock.  No cars passed by the whole time I was out there, and after I checked one last time to make sure the coast was clear, I went to the fence on the far side of the garage, right around the same place where I did the last time, unzipped myself, reached in through my long underwear, took my dick out, and started pissing on the snowbank.

I'm glad that I drank something before coming out; that way I had a powerful jet of urine penetrating and melting all this goddamn snow.  It was a pittance compared to the mounds I had all around me, of course.  But honestly, I truly felt like I was fighting back on the evil forces of snow.  Plus, relieving myself felt real good!

To specify where exactly I was, I was doing this up at the top of the driveway, with my back to the front door.  If you were standing at the end of our driveway, you would've seen me and my dick in profile.  Yeah, it was dangerous.  The neighbors, as they typically do, have their lights on even though their blinds are drawn; if someone wanted to pull them open real quick to see what that peeing sound was, they could've seen me going to the bathroom in the night sky.  Good thing they or no one else caught me.  Still, the chance that I could've been caught was one of the reasons I did it.  Besides all the tension regarding the snowfall, I wanted to be naughty!

The best part happened after I finished urinating.  The air was still all night, but in came a soft breeze that hit my cock.  The wind cooled a dick that just got done spitting fire, and was still in desperate need of a good wankin' to take away the semen it was carrying.

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