Monday, December 21, 2015

For The Record, My Tooth Hurts

Started to happen around the time I got my new filling.  I was told that for a day or so after getting this there may be some tingling.  That was a couple months ago.

Every time I drink something cold, and it travels to the back upper-left teeth, I get this bracing sensation that makes me clench the rest of my teeth.  The first time it happened, which was a day or so after the filling, I sloughed it off.  To tell you the truth, I've been sloughing it off ever since even though it still happens when I drink something cold.

And you know the weirdest thing about this?  I don't think the hurting tooth is the one I got the filling for.  It feels like the tingling tooth is the one in front of it.  My filling is wrapped around the very back end of the back molar, but whenever I recoil from drinking pop, I know that that isn't the problem.

I should get this checked out.  I'll do that as soon as I am unemployed.

I should talk about this more, but I have to go back to work.

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