Saturday, December 12, 2015

I Live, Literally, Nowhere

At least according to my iPhone.  A few weeks ago, although I don't exactly know when it happened, when I checked the weather on the Weather application, the name of my home location just ... wasn't there anymore.  It hasn't been on there ever since.  Now, if I go to a different city, even the next town over, that name pops up on Weather, but when I come back home and open it up, there's a huge space where the city name is supposed to be.  Get the current conditions and temperature and forecast, just not the name.

The disappearance of my town's name coincided with what looked like a small hiccup with the app.  For a while there it wasn't showing me the proper forecast.  In fact, it wasn't giving me the right time.  It was as if the weather outlook, and time, was the same as the last time I opened it up.  The time is now accurate and the forecast now looks like it updates, but the city name is still non-existent.

That is very, very strange.  Not just that apparently my city is no longer recognized by the app.  (I should say that I am still stuck on iOS v.7.  I have yet to upgrade to 8, let alone 9, because I have heard that both 8 and 9 have bugs and that both operating systems can overwhelm my old iPhone.  It works just fine on 7, even though I can't download some apps -- such as the Target app -- because of the old OS.)  But the existential conundrum I face whenever I check the weather floors me.  I have gotten used to seeing my city when I check the weather on my phone.  But it's as if the phone simply does not believe that my current location exists in real life.  It's saying I am not in a town -- that I am not ... anywhere.  It sure updates the weather, but the way my phone puts it, it might as well be giving me the forecast for Katmandu.  (Well, it looks like it is the weather forecast for my town, I mean, it's not wrong.)  But I just find it strange that the application no longer gives the name of my city, as if it refuses to recognize it.

I am somebody!!!

This kind of makes me think I'm in The Prisoner.

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