Monday, April 24, 2017

Addendum To: So I Was Passed Over

So I began my stint at the other test scoring place in the evening.  It's at the Megamall, where Bloomingdale's used to be.  It's kind of eerie to see what was once an anchor mall ripped down to the studs and being turned into a warehouse.

Things were chill.  I was sent to my department in the back, where there was some leadership telling me what to do.  However, since this is such a massive project (necessitating a huge place like an anchor mall) with, frankly, apparently such slipshod organization, we are now being self-directed.  Instead of our room boss training us verbally, we are told to put on our headphones and follow along with recordings.

Maybe in exchange for this "new" way of doing things, other fundamental requirements for these test scoring projects, such as minimum hours and telling people when you're going to be late, don't seem to apply.  If we're being self-directed, we're also allowed to take breaks whenever we would like to.  In fact, we can take as long of a lunch break as we want.  We have to note our time electronically, but there is no set time we break.  I consider it a compromise brought about by the uniqueness of this project.

I hope this "new" way of doing things isn't going to be the way things are going to be done from here on out.  But then again, I don't know if I care.  I see the leadership for each of the dozens of groups working here.  I remarked here on WAF that I think not being given a supervisory position for this project was for the best.  But as soon as I sat down I realized that one of the supervisors was that passive-aggressive dickhead from last year who wowed everyone by cutting a melon into a swan.  That asshole didn't hold open the door for me, and he gets promoted and not me?!

In the meantime, I was helped along (whenever I didn't help myself -- again, I'm basically training myself through the recordings) by a couple other supervisors.  Again, I don't doubt their legitimacy.  So long as they were trained before we drones came in today, I will totally rely on their expertise on the question I'll be working on the next three weeks without reservation.  But I have to tell you, I swear -- I swear! -- that they started at this place after me.  Years after me, probably.  And nominally, they're my bosses right now.  I thought I would be OK with it.  I'm sorry; I realize that I am not.  I am not jealous.  I just don't think that it's right.

You see, I have heard that there needs to be 1,000 test scorers for this project.  That means that, roughly, there needs to be 100 supervisors.  Totally massive undertaking.  But they're saying that even though I've been with this company for eight years and did supervise (and apparently I did a good enough job), I'm not good enough to snag one of one hundred slots?!  Really?!?!  Have I fallen that out of favor with these guys ... have I been that slow ... have I taken that many breaks?!?!?!

See, these are the moments I think I should go back to school.  How do I go through the indignity of being told what to do by whippersnappers who started working there last year?  Why put myself through that?

Oh yeah -- the money.  And this is why I should go back to school.

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