Friday, April 21, 2017

You Motherfucker, I Hate You

Wow.  This asshole at the test scoring place pulled the most passive-aggressive thing ever done to me.

So yesterday, after lunch, I'm coming in.  In the lobby is this prick, the #4 Guy At Work.  I'm on my way to get through the security door, but he turns around in such a way that I let him queue ahead of me.

Normally, at least in Minnesota, if a stranger is going through a door before you, that stranger would hold the door open for you, and in return, you would say, "Thank you."  That's usually the case here.  There are a lot of weird people here, however, and there are some who don't open the door for you.  Maybe they're in the middle of a conversation with someone or they're just being dicks, but it happens.

No.  This fucking asshole actually tried to close the door on me.  He reached out behind me, grabbed the side of the door and tried to close it.  How rude!  It was a half-ass gesture; I grabbed it before it completely closed it.  But I knew what he was trying to do to me.  Showing me up for taking too many breaks -- like that's his fucking business -- wasn't enough to get his message across?

I had to come back at him.  As I passed by I told him, "Watch it, buddy."  He turned around -- "What did I do?"  "If I have to tell you, I can't help you," I replied, and I went to my seat.  Enough of a comeback I can concoct at the time.  Still need to be sharper, quicker.

Still, that passive-aggressive shot pissed me off.  I had that first run-in with him a couple weeks ago.  He can play dumb all he likes, but I figured he was bullshitting me.  So at that point I didn't care what the consequences are or if I was overreacting.  I wasn't going to be bullied and threatened by some young punk-ass who's in the same room as I.  So I told on him to my immediate supervisor.

I will say that I trust him enough to believe he listened.  And (I wish I could go on but I've been on the phone with my sister trying to buy these products from IKEA) after talking with the room supervisor, it appears as though they're going to take a wait-and-see approach.  A part of me is upset that they're not taking this more seriously, but I am afraid to admit that I feel this is best because anything more and this asshole will know I ratted him out to them.  Hell, he might already know, in which case he'll come to work tomorrow to either key my car car ... or shoot me.

So just in case ... asshole's name is Trent and he drives a yellow Cruze, Minnesota license plate 360 MJV.

Best not to come after me ever again, motherfucker.

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