Friday, April 7, 2017

Person At Work Pissing Me Off, #3: Chuckles (Scheduled Post)

I feel kind of bad for complaining about this person.  She seems to be a nice person.  But goddammit, she bothers me.

Why?  Once in a while she will chuckle.  All we're doing, as far as I can tell, is reading papers.  I have never laughed out loud at a single essay I've been reading.  Not a one.  And yet she's there chuckling once an hour.  Now she might be doing that whenever she calls over her immediate supervisor.  Once in a while I would look over at her to see what the hell she's laughing about and he's there standing behind her.  Maybe she is laughing at something he said.  But, well, whenever I have my immediate supervisor come look at something alongside me I have never even guffawed, so she's still terribly annoying in that case.

Is she as bad, or offensive, as Mr. Inside Voice or Coughing Fit Man?  No.  Both of them do their things way more often than Chuckles, and they are much, much louder.  But Mr. Inside Voice is in the middle of the room and Coughing Fit Man is near the front of the room.  I'm off to the side, near the back; I can hear both of them, clearly, but they're physically far from me.  But Chuckles is in the row behind me.  So even though her chuckles are quiet, I can hear every single one, clearly.  And the fact that I can hear something so quiet aggravates me even more.  It's like a secret only I can hear, even though I don't want to hear it at all.

Seriously, what the fuck is so funny that she has to laugh like that so goddamn often?  People who work here are weird.

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