Tuesday, April 25, 2017

He's Leaving! He's Leaving! ... Wait, Is He Leaving?

OK, so this asshole at work I've been avoiding ever since Thursday.  He hasn't done anything overtly towards me -- passive-aggressive, maybe; once at the end of a break he went sauntering around where my car was smoking a cigarette -- but I have nonetheless decided that, to make sure I'm holding up my end of my accusations to my supervisors (who probably think I'm crazy and, like I feared, have decided that I am the one who needs monitoring) by making sure I don't cross paths with him at all costs.  It has gotten so bad that I make sure that I get up only after he sits down.  No reading through the sports section in the break room, no extended shit breaks (though I had to try and squeeze one out yesterday morning) ... just make sure I don't see him besides in the room.  It actually makes me more focused and productive.  I hate that.

On Monday, he was doing his usual flittering about, charming his supervisor.  But this time the room boss came over to talk to him.  This was nothing about what he did to me.  It wasn't really angry either, unfortunately.  But later that morning, during her briefing, the room boss reiterated that if we were to leave this project earlier than the projected drop dead date, which is the end of next week, to tell our supervisors immediately.

Was what I saw related to that announcement?  It had to be related!  If that's the case, that means that this guy will be out of my sight, and out of my life, forever!  (Well, until next season, anyway.)  No more avoiding!  More time reading the paper and trying to dook!!!

And so, as I held my piss in, I was counting the hours until 4:30 Monday (which is when I decided I was going to leave for my night scoring job; it's just too weird and too uncomfortable for me to leave the same time as he does) and privately wishing that I'll never see him again.  But Tuesday he was back.  And at this point I have to wonder if my wish was really pie-in-the-sky, and that there's no fucking way he's leaving until the end of the project.


He'll be there in the morning.  And Thursday, and Friday, and Saturday, although I might skip that just to avoid his ass face.  Man, I hate it when I allow myself to believe good news.

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