Friday, September 1, 2017

Toothbrush Crap

You know, I don't know when it happened (although, come to think of it, it may have started after I got back from Hong Kong after Grandmother's cremation), but my toothbrush has accumulated this noticeable layer of film.  It's in the middle, oh, third of the brush head, and it's even, and considering how small it is, there's a lot of gunk that's built up in that brush.  And it's so weird that I have tried to open up the bristles and pick it out with my fingers and I can't.  Altogether you can totally see that there is build-up in my brush, but when I separate them, there's nothing.  It's there and yet it's not there.

And I'm still using the brush.  It's one of those whose top two rows are blue, so I assume that those are indicator bristles.  The more I brush, the more the blue comes off the top of those bristles, so once it gets to, oh, halfway (I assume it can't rub off any further), that's when I will finally dispose of my brush.  And not before, even with that weird stuff on there.  Right?

I've never seen that before.

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