Monday, September 18, 2017

They're That Much Closer To Home

My parents are coming back from their trip to China.  But, if I have this correct, they are not coming back here to Minnesota.  They will be out west -- Las Vegas maybe, possibly Los Angeles, but out there.  I don't know exactly if they're coming back today (Monday) or when, but by this time tomorrow, they should be back in the States.

And in some ways that's a good thing.  Not because I want them home.  I don't, and I'll detail that in a bit.  But there are a pile of bills and letters which they need to address and tell me how to deal with.  Most of these are bills Mother did not tell me about.  I would assume there is a certain credit card that I would be paying these bills with, but I don't know which of the several she left me I should use for which bills.  Communicating my issues was very difficult to do while they were in China.  At first my folks told me that the only to get a hold of them was through e-mail.  Later, both of my parental units texted me; T-Mobile seems to be pretty good in extending its network worldwide.  But for a while it was tough to ask them what to do, and it may have been doubly so because Mother didn't get back to me in a timely manner.  Could be because of networking issues, could be because they were too busy enjoying themselves.

Nonetheless that's all over now that they're back here in America.  But while communication issues are probably alleviated, it's still kind of oogy that they're that much closer to home, because it means that, well, they can come home.  I don't think they'll be back in Minnesota any time soon.  But seeing as those fuckers blindsided me a couple years ago, I have been forever scarred by the possibility that they'll come back home and see the house in its current, disheveled, undusted state.  All day yesterday (Sunday) I wondered if I should start picking up around the house, but I was lazy and stayed in my bed for much of the afternoon, so I thought, "Nah, fuck 'em."

But still, I'm scared that they'll surprise me.  And they can do that much quicker now that they're back on this side of the world.

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