Sunday, June 23, 2019

Conflict Day #1

So today is the big day of the event, and as usual, I don't feel like I'm prepared.  I need to make a big speech, but I know that, like it usually happens, I'll fumble through my words, make no sense, and leave the people I'm trying to impress with the feeling of, "That guy's the president?!"

And this is after I agreed to go into work for a few hours before the party.  I'm regretting that decision more and more.  I'll be sweating, I'll be tired, I might smell like piss, something might happen whereby I'll be delayed getting out of work, and instead of really concentrating on putting myself together, I'll be distracted by ... work.  I should've just stayed home and lolled around my bed all afternoon.  That would have been time better spent.

Then again, I bought a ticket for Sunday's final round of the LPGA ... no, excuse me, the Women's PGA Championship at Hazeltine.  I bought the ticket before the hosts decided they wanted to host the party today.  I wish it hadn't shaken out like that, but this event is way more important than golf, and if they wanted to host it on this day, that's when we'll host it.

(Aside: Everything is happening this weekend, isn't it?  There's the Women's PGA, there's Pride, there's the State Fair Vintage Car Show, Hugh Jackman was at the X, and it seems like many cities have festivals featuring food trucks.  I would have been able to find something to do this weekend if I didn't have the event.)

I have tried pawning off my ticket, but no one seems to want it.  I tried selling it, but on Monday, when I went downtown and saw the scalper company, they refused to buy because there is a glut of tickets still available.  So I am eating the ticket.  I would be angrier about it if I hadn't forgotten how much I paid for it.

I wonder if there will still be tickets available for the PGA's 3M Open, happening at the TPC Twin Cities a couple weeks from now.  That is an inaugural event, and far away from a major as you can get.  But are tickets available for that event?  If not, then you have another stark instance of sexism in sports that is as plain as the eye can see.

Whatever.  I am tired, and I have to figure out what I'm going to wear, and yet I'm on the Internet figuring out which big and fancy restaurant I'm going to eat at after the event to reward myself for not pooping my pants.  So wish me luck.

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