Saturday, June 1, 2019

I Shouldn't Be Fretting Over Donuts, But I Am

I'm bringing in donuts to work today.  Here are the issues about them that I am freaking out over:

  • I didn't even think about buying donuts until some guy on Facebook offered to sell them.  These are Krispy Kreme donuts, and when I made the transaction at the local Target last night, he said he bought them down in Iowa.  I have had them in my car since, so it's been subjected to the humid evening, followed by the drop in temperature due to both the night and the storm that has passed through.  Not to mention the fact that these are not technically "fresh" donuts since I bought them the night before.  Really, are these donuts still any good?  And once my co-workers see that these are Krispy Kreme and realize that I could not have bought them any earlier than the night before, would they even eat them or are they gonna think, "Ugh, day old donuts?"  (Well, I have more than enough even if they want them.  If they don't want them, I'll just put them in the break room at the end of the day.  There are enough hungry people there that it'll all get eaten before dusk.)
  • I am hanging out at one department today, but I feel like I should tell the other people I work with at the other departments about this.  I know I'm going to do that.  But there's one person who I ... still don't know if I get along with.  She, I think, has strict dietary restrictions, plus I still don't know if she's a nice person or not.  I am really anxious that, if I e-mail her and all the other people in these other departments I'm not working at today that I brought donuts, she'll reply rudely -- something like, "You know I'm vegan, so I would appreciate it if you don't bother me with an e-mail like this again, because it's obvious I would not be able to eat those donuts."  Maybe I'm paranoid.  Or maybe I'm guarding against being insulted out of the blue.
OK, I actually thought I would have more issues over bringing in these donuts.  Then again, a normal person wouldn't have any issues at all with bringing in donuts.  But then again, I'm not a normal person.

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