Monday, February 17, 2020

A New Goddamn Sound From The Old Car

Wanted to use the old car a lot Sunday because 1) I wanted to use Seafoam for the nearly-empty tank and 2) I wanted to park it level so I could finally check the air pressure on the tires.

To the former, I bought a funnel to pour the Seafoam through the gas cap, but when I tried it after work it turns out the funnel was not long enough.  Then I checked the tire pressure.  To the latter, the driver's-side rear was so low I had to pump 19 kpa into it.  So my plan on going down to Roseville to get some roast beef was thwarted.

Instead I hiked it back to one of only two gas stations that had free air.  Luckily, the space next to it was free, so I immediately pumped air into that really bad tire.  It's funny that you don't really notice a tire with no air, but once you squeeze it and see that's really, you know, squishy, it's obvious that it does need air.  (There is also a hairline fracture cutting along the side of the tire, and I wonder if having low pressure long enough caused it.  I checked that tire after I got home, and so far, it looks like there is no leak or puncture or anything.)  I had to pump air into the other three tires, but nowhere near 19 kpa, that's for sure.

So I drive out and I hit what seems to be a pothole.  And then I hear, from the back of the car, a loud, sucking sound.  And from then on, I heard it whenever I accelerated from a stop.  It's like there's a hole back there -- that, or, like, the fuel pump is really getting taxed.  I have no fucking idea what it could be.  Maybe Father's mechanic can check it out.

Oh, after the gas station I went home, picked up some food coupons (though I didn't use them at all -- went to Wendy's for Happy Hour instead, and to pick up their white mac 'n' cheese), returned the short funnel at the other gas station, went to AutoZone to buy a long and proper funnel, then went to Arby's, then went home whereby I finally Seafoamed the old car.  (Yeah, I make myself busy.)  Went out to Caffetto and then Pryes at night, and the car runs smooth and quiet.  Well, maybe not quiet with the loud, sucking sound emanating from the back, but still.

Shit, the car is driving OK besides that, and besides that shaking that started up a few weeks ago.  That goddamn noise hasn't stopped, either.

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