Monday, February 10, 2020

Finally, The Final Piece Of My Training Will Begin

On Wednesday, I will finally be trained in the last department I am supposed to be in, according to the prerequisites of my job.  I'm not looking forward to it, to be honest.  I work alongside the person who does it -- it's a one-person department -- and while he's really nice, and he's been trying to tell me bits and pieces of the job, it still seems like a bear of a task.

Part of my reticence comes from my feeling that it's a bit unwieldy.  I have heard that there is a bunch of ... uh, disparate things you need to do in order to get the job done, so you kind of have to pick and choose and wander around to get it done.  Oh, and whatever "it" is, I don't know it.

What I do know is that it involves a lot of interaction, both on the phone with clients and with a fairly big poobah who I heard once scream at work.  I'm also scared that I will have to deal with unhappy clients screaming at me for just doing my job.  So I will need to go into this with an open mind, but there is the distinct possibility that this is the one thing I cannot and will not do, and thus I would have to ... well, leave.  We'll see.

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