Sunday, February 16, 2020

Maintaining, Not Gaining

Fell asleep at 12:30 or thereabouts, but woke up a bit past 6, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.  Don't have to go to work until 10, so that left me with a chance to do some chores before taking another crack at unconsciousness.

What did I do?  Well, I cleaned the rest of the dishes and then, despite not knowing whether it's too much or too late, I watered the plants for the first time in 72 hours.  I then polished off last year's "Comics" issue from City Pages.  Oh, and I'm blogging for the day.

And that is going to be the problem as I prepare for the return of my parents in, eek, less than three weeks.  Yes, the dishes need to be cleaned and the plants need to be watered (well, maybe, but work with me here).  But what I really wanted to do, and what I have always wanted to do while my parents are away, is to start focusing on the "long-term" stuff.  And that stuff usually relates to, well, my stuff.  I had hoped I could haul some of my shit out of storage.  If there are old copies of City Pages, I would read them and, hopefully, recycle them.  There are old Entertainment Weeklys, and I want to seal them up for storage.  I have sports programs I want to organize, etc.

In the meantime, I have a lot of things at home.  There are papers on my dresser and desk I really want to go through.  There are, get this, old brochures from past car shows that I tucked into my closet; I have so many of them, in reusable bags, that I should take care of them, too.  Finally, I see some old clothes that I could donate to Goodwill.  If I have the chance to them, I should.

But notice that when it comes to those "long-term" chores, I only went through one six-month-old CP.  The other stuff I did is normal, day-to-day or week-to-week stuff.  That's maintenance.  That's not getting ahead of things.  And I don't know if I'll have the time to do some large structural moves and shovel papers into the recycling bin or store them neatly in my storage unit before my folks come back.  And if I can't do it by now, when will I ever have the time?

I'm getting depressed.  I should take a nap now.

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