Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Respite Before The Heat

So it's supposed to be dangerously hot starting today and through Thursday.  When you get down to the particulars, Thursday is going to be hot, but not hot-hot like today and tomorrow.  The weatherpeople saw this coming and warned us, but I've seen forecasts where today is supposed to be worse than tomorrow and others where it's the other way around.

Regardless, the heat and the humidity (I think a heat dome is sitting in the middle of the country; there is an oval Excessive Heat Warning covering 15 states right dead center of the U.S.) is going to make things shitty for the next 48, possibly 72 hours.  Which made yesterday/Monday a relative manna from heaven.  Except for, like, 15 minutes in the morning, the weather was overcast.  It officially hit 80 at MSP, so it must have been in the seventies all day at work.  And since it was cloudy and the dewpoint (I think) was in the manageable low sixties, it wasn't as hot or as toasty as I feared it would be.  In fact, the clouds made it feel kind of cold.  It was warm-ish in the car when I took my cat nap, but when I made the decision to keep the windows up I was afraid I'd be sweating the whole half-hour, and I didn't.  I slept ... well, for about ten minutes when I got woken up by a phone call.

I shall try and cherish yesterday, because the next two-to-three days will seem like hell on earth.

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