Sunday, July 28, 2024

Assholes Everywhere

Man, it must be the weather or something, because I am running into assholes today.

Got my car washed just now.  The guy who's getting his before me seems to be persnickety, exacting prick.  He was really riding the workers, telling them where to go and what to do.  At a couple points he actually took one of the tools they use, the air gun, and went to his car to blow some stuff out of it.  If I were working there and I saw that, I would absolutely lose it.  He then got into it with one of the co-workers; he first demanded that one of his floor mats gets washed instead of cleaned, to which the worker made him pay another two dollars.  Then, triggered by something I didn't see, this worker let this guy have it.  I think he said something to the equivalent of, "If you hate how we wash your car, don't come here ever again."  And then on the way out he was telling another guy to wipe down the inside of a couple doors again.  And it's not as if this a-hole had a Maserati or '60s muscle car or something.  He has an SUV.  With a baby seat in the back.  How precious is your car?

And right now I am at ... a coffeeshop I should be going to more often.  Maybe not on this day, however, because some creep just jogged down here, sat at a table kitty-corner from mine, and is playing these short videos with the sound up and with no headphones.  I hate people like that.  I'm trying to be loud and obnoxious -- coughing without covering my mouth, for example.  Haven't gotten this asshole to scram yet.

I am running into assholes today, but I am not the asshole.

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