Friday, July 5, 2024

He Was On His Bullshit, So I Acted A Fool

So I went into the lab today, my weekly "once more unto the breach."  More piss to touch, goddammit.  But who was I replacing at the table?  The asshole who thought it was funny to remind me not to cut myself.  And fuckin' A, he said it again.

I know most other people would take that shot good-naturedly.  I am not most other people.  I know that there is an undercurrent of ridicule coming from that insult.  I have thought about what I would say to that prick if he thought it'd be funny to replay the hits, so to speak.  And once he reminded me not to cut myself, I got triggered, and I let him have it.

"You're still on that, huh?"

"No, I'm just reminding you not to cut yours--"

"Wow, I don't need a reminder from you, OK?"  Honestly, I don't know if I said this.  But I said something, and I hope that it was witty.  And I hope I got the idea across to him that I didn't think what he said was funny.  Maybe I don't care, because I just want him to shut his fucking mouth about it.  I think he left me alone.  He'd better fucking drop this shit from now on.

There's another lab worker who was still at the table, and by the way, she is an asshole the one who reminded this asshole that I cut my finger.  And she didn't really shut up about it, and I had to deal with her shit because she was sitting next to me.  I need to find a way to piss her off to the point where she leaves me alone, too, and if I have to act a fool, I'll do it.

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