Sunday, July 21, 2024

Addendum To: We're About To Shiv A Good Man

I really, really thought this shit was going to blow over after this weekend.  Stupid me.

When you are told repeatedly that you're not going to win, you're being bullied into leaving.  That's what happened here.  And once again, Democrats fucking did it to themselves.  Two forces "on our side" forced him to quit: Pissant chickenshits who saw one bad debate and thought he was going to be a blabbering Alzheimer's patient in a month; and rich "Democrats" who saw that debate as an opportunity to oust a guy who finally was trying to make things better for the common people.

The former say look at the polls.  Polls are bullshit, especially four months from Election Day.  Also, there are some polls that say Biden was ahead.  There was no consensus, but enough people saw what they wanted to see and made this move.  As for the latter, their undue influence is another toxic manifestation of Citizens United.  We Democrats tried to dance with the devil, and the devil fucked Biden and the 14 million people who voted for him in the primary with this undemocratic end run.

We have stabbed in the back a man who led one of the most progressive agendas intended to make life fairer for all of us.  And now, we are in unprecedented territory.  Who's going to be the nominee now?  Is it Kamala Harris, really?  Because I thought it was Joe Biden, but some people have just swooped in and said, "Uh, I don't think so."  And I can't white put my finger on it, but the money people who forced out Biden might now want to elevate a Black woman into the President's chair, either.  How is she going to get the money Biden already raised?  How are you going to convince 14 million people who voted for someone else to vote for her?  Do you really think they're all just going to march in lockstep, giddily saying, "Sure, Kamala's the one!" when they were screwed out of their vote?

There is no plan.  There is no fucking plan.  And yet the donor class and everybody else who said, "He's too old!" are going to find a way to make this alright for the rest of us to fall in line for.  They're going to come up with brand-new ideas with big cushy buzzwords that we should be dazzled with because Glint! it's so fresh and exciting!  And then Republicans are going to come in and sue the fucking beejeezus out of us because we invited them into fucking with our nomination process because we had the batshit idea of doing something new to it ourselves.

We turn on ourselves so goddamn much over nothing, all the fucking time.  Joe Biden had strengths that we have voluntarily pissed away.  And now, we are going to be ruled by a dictatorship that will finish the job of ending democracy in this country.

I can't with this party.  I really fucking can't anymore.

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