Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Shoes (Again)

My parents shop for me from time to time, even though they not only don't know what I like style-wise, they probably don't know my size.  They haven't bought me pants in a long while, so maybe they've concluded that that might not be a good idea anymore.  But from time to time my folks have bought me new indoor shoes.  There isn't a particular type; they've gone from slippers to thongs to shoe-looking things and back again.  I kind of thought that Father wanted to buy me new indoor footwear because he was tired of hearing my footsteps when I walked around the top floor late at night.  But then he bought me these hard-soled thongs which I currently use.  He had to have known they were loud when he/they bought them for me.

Well, maybe he got tired of all the tap-tap-tapping he heard, because this week, after I came home, I saw not one but two new pairs of slippers.  As I usually do with all the new footwear they buy me, I didn't immediately adopt them.  I like my thongs, they have been doing the job for me for some time, and I saw no reason to change.  But then, out of the blue, one day Father asked me, "So, do you like your new slippers?" and because I want to please Father, I just said, "Sure!"  And then, out of guilt, I slipped them on.  And they're too big.  One pair is egregiously big, the other is only slightly big, but both are too big.

I don't know why they keep buying me wrong-sized clothing, but I'll just use them anyway.

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