Thursday, July 25, 2024

I wanted to exercise last/Wednesday night.  But I got stopped by Mother asking me dumb questions about their real estate stuff.  And then I went outside and helped Father, who was trying to fix the trunk door of their minivan.  By the time I got done, a quarter after 7 became a quarter after 8, and by the time I got to the community center and changed, I would have had, at best, an hour of working out before it closed.  Wasn't worth it, so I threw the bottle of juice I had back into the fridge and my gym bag back to my room.

I want to help out my parents.  And in particular it was good to have some one-on-one time with Father.  But ... couldn't it wait for another day when I didn't want to exercise?  And can Mother not melt down over another dumb real estate question I don't understand?

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