Tuesday, July 2, 2024

The Source Of My Heart Pain? Maybe It's This Fucking Country!

I remember seeing that motherfucking cheater Trump win 2016 -- and he did cheat to win in 2016; everything that happened during his presidency should be wiped away -- and, after thinking I'd be celebrating at a bar, going home and, hoping against hope, I took out this bottle of shoju a fellow alum gave me when I visited his sushi bar and kept in the kitchen.  I should have drank it in good times, but I sometimes reach for the bottle in bad times, and that, goddammit, was a bad time.

And yesterday/Monday was almost as bad.  Even though Dobbs is awful, and Chevron now means there are no federal regulations whatsoever, this case (and I don't want they're calling it) that gives presidents absolute immunity to all official acts done while holding office, seems like the coup de grace of the balance of power, the idea of checks and balances in our tri-headed government, and of democracy in America.  I believe Elie Mystal of The Nation when he says this allows the President of the United States to do fuck-all while he's in office and he cannot be prosecuted.  Of course, since this decision fell along party lines, 6-3 for Republicans, I think it's safe to say that if Joe Biden were to do something seemingly illegal -- like, oh, shoot someone on 5th Ave. -- and argue is "official," some Republican might challenge that, and I'm not sure if the Supreme Court would follow its precedent and say that Pres. Biden can.

This is all for Trump.  This is all for Trump getting away with the insurrection he wanted on January 6, not to mention all the other fucking crimes he committed when he was installed.  And Mystal is right, unfortunately; Trump won.  The Supreme Court let him get away with it.  The Supreme Court (at least the Republican justices) think he and other Republican Presidents (and not Democratic ones) are above the law.


You know, I have had a hard-beating heart pretty much since I was a teenager, but I haven't been feeling all that well since, oh, the fall of 2016.  And I've been down pretty much since I read the Mystal piece, but my mood darkened once I heard on The Stephanie Miller Show that the Supremes have installed Presidents (Republican ones, not Democratic ones) kings.  There has been a pall over my mood, but it's a familiar one, one that has cast over me for about eight years now.  And I guess it'll be around for quite a long time.

I fret about my car, about my job, about money, about my parents.  But maybe a lot of the source of my health problems is the world around me, and in particular the country that governs me.  Because what's going on with the fascists taking over the United States is some fucking bullshit.

I know I should exercise more.  But goddamn, I need a drink.

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