Sunday, July 14, 2024

Thoughts About The Shooting

  • I know I should wait until all the facts are in, but I will say this: LOL.  This is Trump, and Republicans, reaping what they sow.  They have endorsed violence for decades now.  They have actually been violent, on January 6, 2021.  And now that violence has been committed on them, they're ... well, let's see what they're going to do, but some MAGAt on CNN has popped off about how it's the Democrats' fault.  Fuck this guy.
  • That leads me to the thing I am scared of now: That Republicans are going to use this incident as an excuse to commit violence on Democrats, or anyone they decide are their enemy.  Heard stories from reporters at the rally in Pennsylvania that MAGAts turned on the reporters at the scene, though I don't know how violent it got.  Never, ever underestimate how much Republicans think of themselves as victims.  It's the reason they do this shit.
  • Saying all this ... yes, I am going to put my conspiracy theory hat on.  Why did the Secret Service not secure the rooftop that was only 200 yards away?  And why didn't security instantly hustle Trump off the dais?  If you are trying to squirrel away someone who just got shot, you don't let him stand on the podium and pump his fist in the air.  There are some very close shots of him with part of his ear getting taken off, and I'm going to say it: The lighting is perfect.  This was a very photogenic assassination attempt, to be frank.
  • Thoughts and prayers ... to the audience member who was murdered.  Assuming he was paid to look like a Trump stooge.
  • It's the guns.  It's always the fucking guns.  Take them out of Americans' hands.  Now.
  • Oh, and both sides don't do it.  Republicans advocate for violence.  Democrats do not.  Don't both-sides this.  And don't fucking virtue-signal this either, demanding Democrats to denounce the violence against your orange king.  He's the one who started this bullshit.  He's the one who laughed when Paul Pelosi was attacked.  He's the one who spearheaded January 6.  Fuck Trump.

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