Saturday, July 6, 2024

Doin' The Quad (A Second Time)!!!!

I am at what may be my new Third Space, waiting between the Euros and Copa America Matches (specifically the Colombia-Panama Quarterfinal) to start.  Got here just before 11 a.m. to see England defeat Switzerland on Penalty Kicks, then The Netherlands come back to defeat Turkey (or Turkiye), and I will stay until 10 p.m. (or later if there are PKs) for the big one between Uruguay and Brazil.

My biggest question I'm facing is what else to eat besides the cheese curds I had for the second Match.  I have already had a Bloody Mary and a Kona (because the Kona is on special while tournament Games are on), and I'll probably get myself a Michelob Ultra after I blog post this (because the Michelob Ultra is also on special).  I was going to get a pizza for the last Match, but maybe not.  May something else, such as chicken strips, or maybe something cheaper (and potentially less caloric), like fries.  I need to pace myself after learning I can't just eat and drink everything after I #DoinTheQuad for World Cup Games November 27, 2022.

Still freaked out by the car, but it didn't have the momentary buzzing noise when I accelerate when I drove down here.  Hope to Buddha it doesn't on my way back, and I probably will need to stop for gas, too.  Anxiety aside, this is how I want to spend this day.  And once it's all over and I'm on my deathbed, a day like this will probably be in my ... oh, happiest 100 days of my life.  Maybe top 50.

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