Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Anxiety Over Work, Car, Energy, Weather Again

The next two days at work may be insufferable.  Don't know why because I think today/Wednesday will be alright (and I know that I have said this, I've jinxed myself, and some bullshit is going to just ruin my fucking day).  And I should be happy because I'm not going home.  Instead, I might dink around after work to work on my receipts, then I plan on going to Brit's to catch the Uruguay-Colombia Copa America Semifinal.

Should be happy, right?  No, it's never that easy for me.  For one thing, I wanted to stay up to watch the Argentina-Canada Copa America semi last/Tuesday night, but I got so tired that I slept through pretty much all of the First Half (and, for the record, the Game-winning Goal, and that sucks).  Will I feel that run down when I try to stay on a stool at Brit's for two hours?

Moreover, I'm in the lab tomorrow/Thursday, probably cutting open packages and reaching into leaky bottles of piss.  I'm already in a bad mood just thinking about it, and I'm not sure if staying out the previous night is going to give me the right energy level or put me in the right frame of mind to do that shit.  And who knows if any motherfuckers in there are going to talk about me cutting myself again.  I might do some cutting of my own if I hear that, if you know what I mean.

And topping all that is my car.  I drove slow yesterday/Tuesday, so I didn't hear any rattling.  (It helps, I think, that I only drove to and from work.)  But a pop-up video I saw when I checked the AccuWeather Twitter feed scared the hell out of me.  It's been so hot in southern California that there have been many cars that have been abandoned on the side of the road.  (I wish I could find that video, but I can't.)  Immediately I'm scared of why those cars died -- no coolant, running the air conditioning, low oil -- and I'm relating to how those problems could happen to my car as I plan on driving around this weekend, especially Sunday, when I plan to go to two different places for both continental soccer Finals that day: The Black Hart for the Euros, Brit's for the Copa America.  The part of California where all those cars were abandoned may have been mountainous, but no matter; I'm scared that my car won't make it this weekend.

I still have plans to bring my car in in two weeks.  Hope the car makes it.  Hope I make it.  Hope I don't cut anyone in the lab.  And I hope I can stay awake all day tomorrow.

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