Saturday, July 6, 2024

Addendum To: Politics Ruins Everything

I don't know if I've talked about this before, but this freakout over Biden's poor debate performance has been followed up with near-universal calls for him to leave the race ... by newspapers and journalists.  It has been so overwhelming that -- and I hate to sound conspiratorial, but I truly believe this -- it feels like a coordinated effort.  I have not been so disappointed, so frustrated, with so many writers I read and follow on social media that once I saw them (in my opinion) turn traitor and call for Biden's head, I had to unfollow them.

It is nuts how journalists have the knives out for him.  First of all, and more importantly, Trump's the asshole who's facing him.  Do they remember what the country was like with him installed as president -- the rudeness, the superficiality, the laziness (Biden's sleepy?  This motherfucker wouldn't roll out of bed until noon, there would be workdays where he wouldn't do shit, and he golfed every goddamn weekend.), the blatant self-interest, and how he allowed every Republican huckster and corrupt apparatus destroy the government to fill their own pockets?  I remember that at least one writer thought Biden won in 2020 -- fair and square, I might add -- because people just wanted a return to normal.  Well, this is what normal looks like: A booming economy, record low unemployment, low crime, a refurbished reputation abroad, canceled student loan debt, and days where we wouldn't even fucking hear from him because he wouldn't be a dumbass.  That's what we want -- right?

I also remember that back in 2016, nearly every newspaper endorsed Hillary Clinton over Trump.  Little good that did, although no one knew at the time how much Trump asked Russia to help him cheat to win the presidency.  And now, eight years after they unanimously repudiated his nomination, they are, in effect, endorsing it by going after Biden.  Not only is Trump the same cromulent son-of-a-bitch he was back in 2016, he has a track record of being an incompetent asshole.  But Biden's the one who has to step down?

These writers have spent the past week spewing these fucking worthless thinkpieces about who could replace him, and how it would work four months before Election Day.  I'm no political scientist, but I know there is so much bullshit Democrats would have to do between now and then that it would be impossible to get a new person to replace Biden as the nominee.  Why even try?  And how in the hell would these reporters think that shit would work, huh?

I have been trying to #IStandWithTheMedia.  But that loyalty has cracked since The New York Times has showed its whole ass in trying to tear down Biden because Trump as president sells more copies.  And now that everybody has seemingly gone after a good man who had one bad debate and are trying to stoke the fires of getting him dumped before the Democratic National Convention, with no consideration that changing horses midstream like this probably hasn't been done in at least half a century, and ... I'm done.  I'm fucking done.  Journalists should know that if Trump gets the presidency again, their industry -- their asses -- may literally be on the line.  And they're helping him anyway.  They're helping him now.  Fuck them all.  It's a broken industry.  I hate that I studied it in college, but I'm glad I'm not in it now because I would probably be seduced by what is making these writers stomp on their own brains and dignity in helping deliver this country into fascism.


I talked about going on this local news source website and commenting on people who seemingly want Biden gone.  I actually thought about deleting it because I didn't want to contribute to a toxic environment on a website I like and pay for.  But I re-read the comments to which I was responding, and I stand by my statement, so I'm leaving it up.

My comment was directed at two people.  One of them, and he's known as a pretty jovial guy in the comment section, says he understands the danger Trump represents.  He's not voting for him.  Now, he didn't say he'll vote for Biden.  But I'll take that bit of good news.  I liked his comment.  I also apologized for not being a good person while I argue over politics.  I don't want to be angry, and I definitely don't want to be mean.  But this race is too important for me to remain silent and pleasant.

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