Thursday, July 4, 2024

Politics Ruins Everything

I just finished publishing a comment on a comment section of a local online media site responding to people who are bitching about Biden being too old and looking like shit at the debate.  I doubt it was witty and it probably will be taken as bitchy.  I thought about not commenting also, but I had commented on this topic once before, and frankly, I am tired of everybody focusing on Biden when we have an existential threat coming from Republicans.

And I comment well knowing that comment sections on the Internet are sewers, the fucking swill of modern existence.  I can excuse it by saying to myself that I have something substantive to say, but the combative and insulting tone of my comment is symptomatic of the toxicity on any online forum, Twitter being the foremost example (which is still standing and probably will continue to stand, probably to humanity's detriment).  And you know what?  I don't care.  I feel deeply enough that I have to hit back at all these people I thought were cool but have turned out to be perfectionist, ageist ninnies.

I also comment knowing that another local news website, MinnPost, decided to eliminate their comment feature because it was getting too yelly.  It doesn't let anyone have their say, but it makes for a more civil environment.  And I still stand by my comment knowing I am making the environment on this other website less civil.  I could be part of the problem, too.

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