Thursday, July 11, 2024

Car Might Be Getting Worse

The buzzing under my hood when I accelerate got a little more noticeable and a little more frequent as I drove home last/Wednesday night from Brit's where I watched Colombia defeat Uruguay in the Copa America Semifinal.  And I'm telling you, I am freaked out as fuck over it.  This came when I heard that buzzing noise when I made a quick right on my way to Speedway to get coffee before work in the morning.  However, that was after a couple days where I didn't hear it at all.

I want to make it twelve more days, but I'm in such a panic right now, right this very minute, that I don't know if the car, or I, can make it.  I might make an appointment next week.  Depends on if the rattling comes back when I drive to work in the morning.

Man, I need to drive.  The ability to go where I want, when I want is something I cherish.  But ever since the car I drove for the first time, a red Jeep, overheated the first time, I have paradoxically been scared to drive.  That anxiety, that fear, that hasn't ever gone away.  So either I am overreacting to this ... or I should be more concerned about this problem than I am.

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