Tuesday, July 16, 2024

I Want To Just Lie In My Bed All Day

Have to admit that my anxiety is getting the better of me now.  It's the car, and then this thing with this guy I know after we mixed it up about Trump.  But work is getting very precarious right now.

Yesterday/Monday morning the first thing everybody in the back room was talking about was our new attendance policy.  It's tightening up.  I don't really know how it's going to affect me, but the cushion for being late is just about gone, especially if something comes up and you don't call in well, well ahead of time.  One of my co-workers just had a baby, and she has had to call in "sick" because her son was.  Under these new rules, she figures that if she does that a few more times, she's fired.

I may adjust like I always do.  But things are different, much different, than when I started there.  The other three people in the back yesterday morning have been at this company longer than I have, and they were reminiscing about how fun it once was to come to work.  It's not fun anymore to work there.  If it's not the rules and policies getting more draconian, it's (at least for me) the lack of work that makes me wonder how long am I going to be there.  One of my other co-workers has noticed the drying up of work and the shrinking workforce going along with it.  And by the way, there were only four of us back there.  There were days not too long ago when there were seven, eight people back there, and we all had work to do.  And I think we got through all the work we had, just the four of us, yesterday.

I started to really, really look for other jobs tonight.  It may have been this new attendance policy or the talk amongst us about the company's future, but I very, very scared that they are going to leave the area -- or, at the very least, my boss will use my Internet surfing to fire me, maybe as soon as tomorrow.  Happened to my other co-worker, bless his soul.  Right now, with the way work is (or actually is not), I think the company will get along just fine without me.

And with the lack of work comes the lack of money.  I've seen my bills and I've seen my checking account; dammit, it's as low as it's ever been.  And with a potentially huge car repair bill coming up -- I am trying to bring it this week and not next -- I am getting tired of spending money.  It's no fun seeing my funds dry up because I'm eating out.  So that's another reason I just want to stay not just home but in my bed.  Won't spend money lying in bed.  Don't have to worry about my job or losing my job.  Don't have to worry about the car making funny noises while I drive it.  Don't have to worry about this dude potentially coming to my house to kill me, or getting me cancelled by my current employer (my goodness, he could do that, couldn't he?).  Nope, it's just me, having shelter and safety and sleep ... and maybe not worrying about my parents one day dying.

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