Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Addendum To: Mystery Meat

Well, I finally got enough courage to confront the mystery meat I blogged about last week, and I decided to warm it up and try to eat it Thursday night, the evening after I blogged about it.  And since I'm alive to tell the tale here, it was not spoiled/poisonous.  In fact it was quite tasty ... for meat that was in the refrigerator for longer than recommended.  Turns out what they were were one piece of pork and two pieces of bone-adjacent beef, both of them leftovers from dinners my parents made way, way back.  I'm glad I didn't warm up, say, tofu or some crap like that.

So I guess that means that no matter how long something's been in the fridge, I can still eat it.  Good to know.

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