Saturday, December 21, 2013

Father's Computer Buggin'

Goddammit!  I tried blogging on My Father's desktop and I can't.  I can type in the subject line, but when I try to write in the body (the area where I'm typing now), nothing moves.

My Father's desktop contracted a virus from some fucking Chinese website he saw, and he got my brother to fix it.  Apparently his way of fixing it was to remove everything, bust the OS down to Windows XP and install only the very necessary programs.  That makes things less complicated from My Father, but it looks like he also got a slower and possibly shitter computer.  If so, I blame its inability to allow me to type on that.

The thing that really gets me, though, is that ever since he got it back, My Fucking Father insists that his desk is faster and better.  And he sounds like he really means it, too.  What dumb bullshit.  Man, I can't wait to get my computer back.

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