Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Alright, Listen To Me, Goddammit ... (Scheduled Post)

... you're fucking up my training, bra, you really are.  I understand that you've got a job to do, and someone really fucked it up the last time.  Well, first of all, I was wrong in thinking that that person was doing her job.  She didn't.  But that's probably because you cramped my style by going all off on these codes you were talking about.

This is hard shit, OK?  I didn't get it the first time, and I was close to getting my ass canned three years ago.  And if doing is one thing, teaching is another.  I don't know if I got this handled, if the attitudes of the first two people who stuck around are any indication, but you sure as fuck ain't helping.

And do you know what happened after you went on your little schpiel about your codes?  One of them put that code on every single claim she did.  Every single one -- and they were all wrong.  Do you know what code she needed to put down?  The one I told her.  Why?  Because no one over the age of 65 works.  That's why.  That happened to that person you fired last week, and this is what happened today.  Thank Buddha you finally got that report up and running so we could catch those mistakes before they get to you.  (Would help if everyone had them on their computers, but hey, baby steps.)

So I don't appreciate you busting my balls when I'm the one doing all the training.  Yeah, it ultimately falls on you, but if I were you, I would at least take a little more responsibility and come around more than twice a day.  Instead you sweep in, rag on me for not talking about the codes when I didn't fucking understand what you meant by "talking about the codes," get my asshole all clinched up in the goddamn process, you asshole, then proceed to confuse everybody by going on and on about codes they didn't need to fucking use.  I'm not saying ignorance is bliss; because of you I think I have to alter what I'm going to teach them Tuesday.  All I know is one girl had to waste her time because you filled her head with shit she didn't need to know yet.

I'm trying to like you, man.  And I know that when times aren't stressful at work, you can be a good guy.  But you're pissing me off with this bullshit.  You take over or you let me handle it, just don't ruin this for us and we'll get this project done, OK?

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