Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Three Things From Work

1) I don't realize this now, in my tired state, but my other boss when it comes to this new job kind of went off on me.  The count was wrong this morning, and I can tell that she was tired of continuing trying to tell me how important getting the numbers right is, and she just started tearing me down.  I don't equate it to what The Asshole said because -- well, now that I think about it, they both were yelling at me, but for her I don't consider it "yelling" because a) she, unlike him, explained how vital my task is, and b) well, she's a woman and any female that's not Mother is someone I don't fear as much as I do a man.  So I didn't get that asshole-clenching fear that I got when The Asshole screamed at me out of nowhere.

Oh, and besides, later the discrepancy was found; it was on a list that I hadn't received before reconciling the count.  In fact, I didn't even know of its existence when the count was made.  That solved all of our problems.  And later, she admitted that what happened wasn't really my fault, and after that (late in the day when I should have been long gone) we kind of talked.  So I guess things are all good.

2) The past two seasons I was in a position with other people where I would see some of them not come back the next day because their numbers were too low.  Now that I'm in a different position, I see the flipside: Seeing people leave and then being told by my boss that some of them have been cut.

That happened today.  Of the four billers who came on, my boss, a mere 15 minutes after they left for the day, told me that two of them weren't coming back.  One of them I could see; he was working way too slow and deliberately to stick around.  The other was kind of a surprise; he seemed to be getting it, but apparently he was working too slow for my boss's liking.  I think he should be given a second chance because he seemed, in my opinion more than the other three, to understand the mistakes he made and did his best to make up for them.  He should not be penalized for that.

The thing that sucks is that the two who were let go were people I liked.  The two people who stayed, even though their numbers are good, are the ones that are giving me attitude.  I could see that when I said goodbye to them.  The woman (who, just between you and me, is giving me a lot of eye-rolling attitude) didn't even look my way on her way out.  (I will say, however, that the really nice guy who was going to get fired didn't even look at me either; he probably knew that was the last time he was working there.)  The guy barely turned his head to mutter a "Bye" when I said farewell to him.  This guy is containing his frustration, but barely.

This job has such a steep learning curve.  We give you a shit ton of information, we then give you (IMHO) the worst packets to work on, then we give you a week to reach 300.  I remember that each of the past two seasons I had to work through lunch in order to reach that.  Once you reach that quota one day, you're golden.  None of the four have reached that, and I don't think it's any mystery that we did not do as good of a job of explaining what to do.  That's what happens when you fire the guy who's done this for seven years.  My boss was really disappointed, but he decided to stick with the two who were sort of close to 300 in the belief that once we get to the easier envelopes, they'll top the mark.

Too bad it's the two assholes that are sticking around.

3) Speaking of assholes, I now flinch around The Asshole.  I try not to even look at him when he passes me by; he probably prefers it that way.  But for some reason, Monday was the day that whenever I sensed his presence my heart rate went up and I make sure I don't make eye contact with him.  I hope to God he doesn't fucking notice, that Asshole.

I need to get over this bullshit.

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