Saturday, September 27, 2014

Are They Going To Rat Me Out?

So my boss said on Friday that next week he is going to hang out with us so he could answer questions from the temps so I could be free to finally start billing these flu shots.  He has said that all week and didn't because he's busy.  I think he is doing the work of two people, and there should be a second IT person to take very important things off of his plate.  But apparently this flu billing is now his priority, so I guess he's going to be physically with us next week.

That is bad for a couple reasons.  I feel as if the group works looser (not necessarily faster or better, just looser) without his physical presence.  More importantly, though, relates to something another person approached me with Friday morning.

I was busy cleaning up one of the temp's mistakes when a worker came back to our corner.  She's collected the money, a thankless task I did back in the spring when my boss got let go.  Not fun.  And she just got yelled at by some asshole because one of us didn't change the insurance information.  It got to the point where this piece of shit actually said to her, "What is wrong with you?"  I want to know the name of this guy so I can charge that prick double for his shot.  Customer service is bad these days, but this raging motherfucker certainly is part of the problem.

I am in charge of my people, all seven of them.  So I don't know how in the hell one of these guys (or one of the people who has since been fired for not being up to snuff) didn't change insurance companies and update the information.  But then I thought up something that I may have taught them: If there is the same information as last year, and if an insurance company paid last year, go with that same insurance info.  It makes things easier, and sometimes we make things worse by changing insurances.

But that is only in cases where 1) there is more than one insurance company covering the person getting the shot and 2), obviously, there is no new information.  If the form gives you something different, of course you put that in, and of course it should be the insurance company you bill.  Who would be lazy and/or stupid not to do that?  Did I ever tell one of them otherwise?  And that's where I get really scared: I thought it was obvious that you enter any new information you see on the consent and assume it's that person's insurance, so I have not explicitly said to.

That makes me think that I confused someone.  I told them that even though the insurance tells them that they have this insurance, just go with what happened last year.  That doesn't mean ignore everything the sheet says.  Like this worker who get yelled at by that asshole, people change insurance all the time.  People get information wrong, but at the very least we can say that they put down this insurance information; if that insurance company says it is not responsible, then we can just tell the person who got the shot, "Well, you put down this number, so that's why we billed this company."  Although that makes getting the money for the shot harder and longer to take, they can't do anything about it because it's their fault.

That doesn't mean you can just ignore the information because there's a possibility they know what they're talking about!  I'm afraid that one of them thought that "going with what happened last year" meant that they didn't have to update insurance information because we're going on last year's information -- and, worse than that, they're going to say that I told them they can do that.  No, I didn't!  What I meant to say was ... and then I'll tie my tongue because I don't exactly know what I said, and then I'll look guilty, and stupid, and being perceived as dumb in front of people who are below me is one of my worst fears.

And that is the downside to my boss hanging out with us next week.  I had some freedom telling them what needs to be done and generally doing things my way.  But with him being the person answering my questions (which, I have to say, allows me to do other things I have been waiting to do because I've been training so much) I know one of them will ask something about, "Well, they have these insurances in the system, so can I just ignore what it says here?" and my boss will say "Hell no!" and then he or she will go, "But he said we're supposed to do that!"  Or, this lady who told me this Friday morning could have it happen again on Monday, she'll tell my boss, my boss will make an announcement, and then one of the temps will go, "Well I've been told that you should go with what it says on the computer!"  And then he'll yell at me, and then I'll have to defend myself and yell back at him, and then I'll be fired because I got undermined by one of these motherfucking temps.

Every time I wake up during the week my first thought is, "Goddammit, I don't want to go to work today."  I really don't want to go to work Monday.

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