Friday, September 26, 2014


OK, this is a dereliction of duty, in my informed opinion.  For the past 1 1/2 days these two guys I've been training have had to use my computer to print out reports, even though they should have them on their own computers.  That wastes their time as I have had to load up the reports for them, and also ties me up because I could instead be working on my own stuff on my own computer instead of making sure they're still working by pushing their stuff along.  There was a point Thursday morning where each of them was using the accounts of two of the guys were fired (including the one who blew up at me Wednesday), but by noontime or so they were closed down.

And the guy who closed those fired guys' accounts is also the person who my boss said would give these two people access to the reports on their own.  And he's The Asshole.

So I may be overreacting, or maybe even wrong, but seriously, this inability for these two to do work on their own and have to bother me to get their shit going is really starting to piss me off.  I can't get to work, and neither can they.  Meanwhile I told my boss on Monday -- Monday! -- that these two couldn't get on, and for some fucking reason they still can't get on.  It's possible he hasn't told The Asshole.  But for the sake of my sanity I am going to project my hate towards him through a belief that he already did tell him (my boss is The Asshole's boss) to put access on those two computers and he just done it -- not just because he's busy, but also because he hates me and disregards everything I'm there to do.

If that's the case, my perception of him as a guy who talks tough about getting things done, only to be revealed as someone who doesn't really give a shit is 100% true.  The last time I saw this dick he was carrying what looked like his lunch to the break room.  Hey, we have people who can't run reports here, where the fuck are you?!  All he seems to care about is himself -- not even his work, himself.  And if that is true, my fear of him suddenly abates.  Why the hell should I be scared of some shiftless old fart?  I was hired to make sure this company gets paid for flu shots, and I think I'm doing a hell of a better job than he is.  I and the other temps can't work as well as we're asked to because this prick wants to eat instead?!?!  Fuck this guy and his five fucking minutes!  I will not be disrespected by some loafing piece of shit who can't spend those five goddamn minutes loading up reports -- reports, by the way, he should have been able to put up before these guys started.

My fear of this guy is quickly turning into unadulterated, justified hate.  These guys damn well better be able to load up reports on their own today.  I don't give a shit if we're temps, we're owed the ability to do what we need to do in order to work.

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