Sunday, September 14, 2014

Confession: Scraped A Car At Work

Didn't mean to, I swear.  It's just that my parents' driver's-side car just swung all the way open when I opened it only part way.  I was trying to leave work when my 40 hours ended at 1:30, and I wanted to hit St. Paul so I could pay my health insurance premiums.  And I was putting my bag on the passenger seat when I heard a scraping sound.

I look back and see that the door swung so wide that it practically wedged itself against the passenger-side door of the car to my left.  I was hoping nothing would be permanent when I grabbed the door, but I had to use a little more force.  Uh-oh.  That's when I heard more scraping and, after I pulled the door towards me, I saw its mark, a vertical white mark with scraping marks to its left and right.  And it is damn noticeable.

I looked at the car I hit.  It's that of a liberal, if you go by the peace bumper stickers on it.  So she (I'm guessing the owner's a she) won't get bent out of shape over getting her car damaged by someone who, ironically enough, she probably doesn't know yet may be sitting mere yards from her because he works with her.  Wouldn't that drive you mad?  I mean, you have a pool of suspects, yet from there you have no idea who the hell violated your vehicle.  That would piss me off.

But it didn't happen to me; I was the one who did it.  So what should I do?  Uh, I ran like a little bitch.  For one thing, I don't want to be on the hook for paying for getting that repaired.  And for another, I had stuff I had to do.  So after a few seconds of hemming and hawing, I quickly got in my car and left.  I really am sorry, but it wasn't like I was going to leave a letter confessing what I did.

Oh my God, I'm such an asshole.  But I didn't mean to do it!  Why does it always seem as if one bad thing that happens to me is followed by one bad thing I do (which is always unintentional)?  It's like it's karma, except that I didn't do anything to deserve it.

Well, what I'm going to do is drive my own car Monday.  I'll use the van Tuesday, and if I get caught, well, I'll just feign ignorance -- "I don't think I hit anything, but did I hit your car?  Oops.  Sorry."  The best that I can do.

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